habemus! electronic + transfer GmbH
Burtenbacher Straße 12 | 86505 Münsterhausen
T +49 (0) 8281 9997-0
F +49 (0) 8281 9997-2906
Mandatory data according to TDG §6
habemus! electronic + transfer GmbH
With its head office in Münsterhausen (Swabia)
Reg.-Ger. Memmingen HRB 10 94 3
VAT ID: DE 173 714 699
Board of Management
Gottfried Fischer
Bruno Geiger
According to § 5 Abs.1 TDG we are only responsible for our own contents. According to § 5 Abs.2 TDG, we are only responsible for links to third-party content if we have positive knowledge of illegal or criminal content and it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent its use. We are also not obliged to periodically check the content of third-party offers for their illegality or punishability. As soon as we learn of the illegal content of the websites of third parties, the corresponding link will be removed from our site. Furthermore, we would like to expressly emphasize that we have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. Therefore we dissociate ourselves hereby expressly from all contents of all linked sides on the entire Website inclusive all undersides. This declaration applies to all links on the homepage and to all contents of the pages to which links or banners lead. If contents of these Internet offers should offend against valid copyright or the mark law, these are removed on reference as fast as possible.